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Who would want to know any thing about me?? Ah well... im gonna tell you any way. I live in Crowley, Texas with my mom and older brother, kevin. Im 5'6, Curly brown hair and brown eyes. I spend most of my time on the computer or watching TV... So you can call me lazy. Some of my favorite things to do are draw, listen to music, learn about vampyres, writting poems, and hanging out with my mom and friends (there all really cool). Go to the mall and spend my mom's money. I like anything that has to do with vampyre's, witches, medievil times, swords, anime (Gundams, some DBZ and some stuff on Adult swim) computer games (diablo, Starcraft, War Craft) music, poetry, drawing and Final Fantasy series. ^__^ (Basiclly im a nerd...go me!) My favorite...
Movies:The nightmare before christmas!!!!! Lord Of The Rings, Harry Potter (yes thats right) Episode 2 and Village of the damned, Scary movie (both of them), Not Another Teen movie and Gun's God and Government (Marilyn Manson's new movie!!).
Bands: In Flames, PANTERA, METALLICA, SOAD, Anime music, NIRVANA, Kittie, Korn, Slipknot, Tool, The Doors, MARILYN MANSON (you might think he's gross but i think he's cool) Everclear, Led Zepplin, RaidoHead and lots others.
Food: Chinese and mexican
Place: In my room when it's pitch black and all you can see is the glow in the darks stars on the wall.
Favorite Colors: Blue, Black, Red

The good ol days
When I went to school and saw all my friends just getting along with each other and hanging out. I liked going to lunch and tring to fit 12 people on a 8 seater booth. Going to the mall together and raiding hot topic, eating chinese food and drinking orange juliuses. Acting like idiots in front of people and pretending we don't care what they thought. (well we didn't care) All the weird things I did when we went out side after lunch. (we all remember thouse don't we dayna!^^) When LeAnn and I wrote a love note to this fat, ugly chick that no one liked. We gave it to her and said LeAnn's cousin (David Jett) Liked her but we just made the dude up. She actually believed us and started to give us notes to give to him...we just read then and laughed at her. (boy we were mean huh?) We toilet pappered (TPed) a rich person's house. Man... I was scared cause you know how them rich people are...they will call the cops even if your on there lawn. I miss the good ol days.

My summer!
Well we all know school is about to start!>< Some of us want to go yet some of us (as in me) don't want to go. I had the greatest summer! My family and I went to San Antonio for 5 days and while we were there we went to Sea World and Feasta Texas! My best friend and I went up to Colorado for a week and we met soooo many new people (Carly, Ryaan, Matt and lots others) and we just had a blast. Were going back next summer and I can't wait. As for now... im just sitting around the house doing nothing all day unless I feel like calling a friend and asking them if they want to stay the night or do something. I need a job! (bet that was the first time you ever heard a teen say that! )

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